Speech Emotion Recognition with ML

Credit: Rana Gujral, Medium/Hackernoon

Oct 4, 2021 7:00 PM — 8:00 PM

Speaker(s): Lance Ying
Topic: Speech Emotion Recognition with Machine Learning

This talk begins with a brief introduction of speech emotion recognition (SER) with machine learning and its applications. A few challenges in SER tasks and existing solutions are discussed. The second half of the talk focused on a recent paper and methods (Nonparametric Hierarchical Neural Network) to account for variations in emotional expression due to demographic and contextual factors for SER tasks.

You can find a link to the recording here. (UM only)

Supplemental Resources

Accounting for Variations in Speech Emotion Recognition with Nonparametric Hierarchical Neural Network
EECS 498 - ML and Affective Computing